We reviewed the numbers who have attended our monthly Family Services since February 2022 when we moved them to 3.00 pm. While the services have been creative and engaging, and some families have sometimes attended, many have only
attracted small numbers of children. We therefore decided to discontinue offering a Family Service at 3.00 pm. on the first Sunday of every month. Instead, we will focus on those occasions where we do attract a reasonable number of families.
These are: Harvest Festival, Christingle, the Crib Service, Christmas Morning, Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. The Christingle and Crib Services will continue to run in the afternoon. The others will be in the morning.
Reducing the number of Family Services will mean we have more energy for some other additional services, eg. a welcome back service early in the summer for those who have recently been baptised; an outdoor service; pet service; evensongs; Taize service etc etc! We will retain our current quiet Holy Communion service at 9.45 on the first Sunday of the month.