2nd February 2025 @ 9:45 am – 11:00 am
St Michael's Church
Church Rd
Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes MK17 8TA
Diana Young
07887 296588

On the first Sunday of each month there will be a simple service of Holy Communion

On other Sundays there will be a service of Holy Communion in a modern version with robed choir

Our creche and Sunday school groups meet during this service

The latest guidance from the Church of England suggests that we should now be offering the chalice at services of Holy Communion as we used to do before Covid.

If you do not feel comfortable sharing the chalice, you can simply take the wafer, or you can ask the person presiding to dip your wafer in the wine. (It’s not considered to be hygienic for congregation members to do this themselves).

If you need a gluten free wafer for Holy Communion, please tell one of our sidespeople before the service begins.