Sunday School
This runs during our morning service each Sunday, except on the first Sunday in the month when we offer quiet activities for children in a side chapel instead. We meet in the upper room where the children have the opportunity to sing, learn about Jesus and other people in the Bible, take part in craft activities, play games and pray. Each week the children join the main body of the Church at the end for a blessing and tell or show the congregation what they have been doing. We hope that every child will learn that God loves everyone and that he is always there to talk to and to look after us.

The Lady Chapel provides a safe space for younger children to play with a range of different toys. This is not a supervised area, but parents/carers are welcome to stay whilst still listening and following the service.
Genesis Youth Group
Genesis is our Church youth group, catering for those 11 years of age and above. We meet every Tuesday in Term time from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. Each term we get together and plan, deciding on topics for discussion, usually Christian based, but sometimes political or topical. We also include in our programme extra activities such as ten-pin bowling, cooking, planning a Family service and fund-raising for a young child we sponsor in Uganda.
Each year we go away for a weekend together which in the past has included camping, canal boating and going to Chellington (a church converted into a Hostel). Our aim is for all the children to come closer to God, to encourage them to talk to him, walk with him every day and enjoy a Christian life.

Toddler Group
Toddler fun time in Church every Thursday from 9.30 to 11.00 am. Under 5s with parents and carers (and siblings in the holidays) enjoy play, singing and prayer. Coffee, tea and cold drinks are available Free but a small donation is welcomed. Just turn up.
Christian Holiday Club
This is a Churches Together event held every year for one week in the Summer Holidays, held in the Methodist Church, Woburn Sands. It enables over 30 Children to learn more about the Christian Faith, and gives our teenagers a wonderful opportunity to improve their leadership skills. We also run a one-day event in the Christmas Holidays .
Many of our congregation lead the teaching , craft activities, and sports, and provide the music. Weather permitting we also have activities outside and in the local woods, and an outing to Wickstead Park.

Send Sports Club
Last year our Genesis Youth Group with the help of some adults, set up a SEND Sports Club (a club for children with Special Educational Needs or Disability). They meet on the second Tuesday of the month from 7.00 pm 8.00 pm in the new Woburn Sands Sports Hall. Those that have joined us have a wonderful time playing a variety of sports, badminton, volleyball, netball, dodgeball, table tennis, rounders netball. We still have space for one or two more so if you know of anyone who would benefit from such a club, come and visit.
Family Services
Children and young people are always most welcome at all our services in St Michael’s, but we are no longer running special Family Services every month. There are a number of occasions during the year, however, when we have special services for children and young people. These are: Harvest Festival, Christingle (usually in the afternoon in early December), our Carol Service, Christmas Morning, Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter), and Easter Sunday. We also aim to hold at least one informal outdoor service in the summer.
How to Find Us/ Map
30 Church Rd, Woburn Sands,
Milton Keynes
MK17 8TA, UK