Christian News

Access to Online Editions of Christian News

As a result of the impact of COVID-19 and the closure of our churches, the normal distribution of Christian News magazine has been seriously disrupted for many of our readers despite the sterling efforts of volunteers who achieved a huge distribution task. This same problem also adversely affected collection of subscriptions from many of our regular readers.
We believe that both these problems have largely been addressed now, but we know that some readers missed out on issues earlier in the year, and a few may still not be receiving them. As a result, we want to let our loyal readers know that back copies of the issues produced during lockdown are available. These are the April, May/June combined issue and the July/August issue. Please get in touch with the editor, Judy Barker tel: 01908 582921, or with Angela Price, tel: 01908 582992.
To reach as wide an audience as possible, we have also developed an online version which is available via the Love Woburn Sands website at , and for which we shall invite donations. This version has been publicised each month, but you may not have been notified about it.
We want to make it clear that we are committed to continue producing printed copies, and to achieve an even wider readership, we shall also continue to produce an online version, which will be made available after the printed version has been distributed. 

How to Find Us/ Map


30 Church Rd, Woburn Sands,
Milton Keynes
MK17 8TA, UK

St. Michael's Church

Church Rd, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes MK17 8TA, United Kingdom


7:30 pm Genesis
Feb 11 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Genesis is our Church youth group, catering for those 11 years of age and above. We meet every Tuesday in Term time from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. Our topics for discussion are usually Christian based, but[...]
9:30 am Wednesday Morning Prayer on Zoom @ Zoom
Wednesday Morning Prayer on Zoom @ Zoom
Feb 12 @ 9:30 am – 10:00 am
A small group is continuing to meet from 9.30 to 10.00 am each Wednesday. If you might like to join us, please speak to Simon Young. This is particularly suitable for people who can’t always[...]
9:30 am Toddler Group @ St Michael's Church
Toddler Group @ St Michael's Church
Feb 13 @ 9:30 am – 11:00 am
Our Toddler Group meets every Thursday from 9.30 – 11.00 am. Do come and join us for play, singing time and refreshments. We are a small friendly group and the church is warm. No charge[...]
9:00 am Morning Prayer @ St Michael's Church
Morning Prayer @ St Michael's Church
Feb 14 @ 9:00 am – 9:45 am
Morning Prayer will now be in church on Fridays at 9.00 am starting on Friday 9 April


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