The next Churchyard working party will be on Saturday 14th September, 9am until noon, refreshments and a light buffet lunch will be served. Please come along and help tidy up the Churchyard for Autumn. Everyone[...]
On the first Sunday of each month there will be a simple service of Holy Communion On other Sundays there will be a service of Holy Communion in a modern version with robed choir Our creche[...]
Genesis is our Church youth group, catering for those 11 years of age and above. We meet every Tuesday in Term time from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. Our topics for discussion are usually Christian based, but[...]
A small group is continuing to meet from 9.30 to 10.00 am each Wednesday. If you might like to join us, please speak to Simon Young. This is particularly suitable for people who can’t always[...]