Contributions to Milton Keynes Food Bank
Sadly even in a relatively wealthy city like Milton Keynes, many individuals and families find themselves in need of support from the Food Bank. This need will increase this winter as hardship and unemployment result from the current pandemic.
So please give generously to the Food Bank. Only non perishable and in-date items please.
You can find a list of needed items in the church porch or via the website:
You can drop your contributions into the box located in the porch of St Michael’s church, or in the local Woburn Sands CO-OP store.
If you or someone you know needs help, then call the Food Bank helplines
01908 565852 to discuss your situation in confidence (10.00 – 4.00, Monday- Friday)

How to Find Us/ Map
30 Church Rd, Woburn Sands,
Milton Keynes
MK17 8TA, UK